Search Results for: DE SA VIE

federal mine safety and health review commission

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. An independent five-member commission that (1) monitors compliance with occupational safety and health standards in the nation’s surface and underground coal, metal, and nonmetal mines, and (2) adjudicates disputes that arise under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977. • It was established in 1977.30

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debellatio (deb-[schwa]-lay-shee-oh). [Latin] Int’l law. A means of ending a war and acquiring territory when one of the belligerent countries has been so soundly defeated that its adversary is able to decide alone the fate of the defeated country’s territory; conquest followed by annexation. — Also termed subjugation. “[There are] three possible alternative meanings of

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proportionality review

proportionality review. Criminal law. An appellate court’s analysis of whether a death sentence is arbitrary, capricious, or excessive by comparing the case in which it was imposed with similar cases in which the death penalty was approved or disapproved. [Cases: Sentencing and Punishment 1788(6).C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 1531–1532, 1534–1538, 1541–1543, 1608, 1703–1706, 1709.]

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postpone indefinitely

To dispose of a main motion without taking a view on its merits while preventing its further consideration during the same session. • This motion’s ancient form in the English Parliament was to postpone consideration until “this day six months” (or “three months”) — that is, some time beyond the current session, sufficiently remote that

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review, n. 1. Consideration, inspection, or reexamination of a subject or thing. 2. Plenary power to direct and instruct an agent or subordinate, including the right to remand, modify, or vacate any action by the agent or subordinate, or to act directly in place of the agent or subordinate (Subject to the Assembly’s review, the

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debate, n. Parliamentary law. Formal consideration of a motion’s merits in the form of speeches for, against, or otherwise addressing the motion. See CONSIDERATION(2). — debatable, adj. — debatability, n. controlled debate. Debate in which a designated manager, usu. a partisan leader, leads each side and allots time for speeches. — Also termed controlled time.

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